Often mistakenly called anise, fennel has a sweeter and more delicate flavour than anise which has a stronger licorice flavour. Though the white base and stems can be used raw in salads (I usually shave it thin), the flavour mellows as it's cooked. I often will grill it on the bbq in the summer (though it takes a bit longer than most vegetables to really soften) it's also great braised, sauteed or used in soups. The tops can be used much like you would dill for a great garnish or flavour enhancer, and yes this is where fennel seeds come from. To prep simply cut in half lengthwise, cut those in half again and remove the tough core from the bottom.
Fennel is an excellent source of potassium, it contains vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.
It is a diuretic, an antispasmodic (good for people with kids!) and a stimulant (good for people who want kids?).
It stimulates the appitite, cleanse the system, prevent flatulence and aid in the digestion of fatty foods. Candied fennel seeds are often found in a little dish as you exit an Indian restaurant for exactly this purpose.
Some great combos that go with fennel include: Parmesan cheese, lemon, oranges, pancetta, walnuts and butter or cream.